January 25, 2025
A brief plan on electrifying your home on the Green Way Clone

A brief plan on electrifying your home on the Green Way Clone

Home electrification is easier than ever thanks to newer technologies helping many remove the carbon footprint from their homes by supporting a greener power grid. At the same time, homes are made more comfy and residents can save a lot of money.

Reducing the carbon footprint is crucial for some. However, reducing the footprint isn’t as good as optimizing it. Electrifying many things is one way to achieve that. There are four main sources of carbon footprints on an individual level:

  • Home energy usage.
  • Gasoline-powered motor vehicles.
  • Furnaces.
  • Water Heaters.

Quantum Experts argue that such devices are necessary. There should be a carbon footprint to a certain degree. Some people argue that 60% of the carbon emissions come from homeowners’ energy usage for powering homes and transportation.

Balancing Renewable Energy and Electrification for Homes: Challenges and Solutions

Some experts argue that a typical household with two gasoline-powered cars emits around 20 tons of Carbon dioxide (CO2) annually. They have an energy cost of almost $7,000.  Households can reduce those emissions by 50% by getting their home more oriented towards electrical-powered goods and accessories. 

However, residents argue that homes are already electrified. Electric vehicles have proven to be a massive failure, given the amount of dirty energy used (and lithium overused) to create the so-called clean energy. Researchers also say gasoline-powered engines are only harmful if their tuning is out of control.

Switching towards renewable energy is an option that can also work for the home. It can give homeowners more reasonable and proven savings. Hydel and Solar power can help them knock additional dollars needed for thermal energy. Solar energy can help power the furnace and sunlight can be used in ways to help keep homes warm in winter.

However, thermal energy resources can be easily used in the absence of sunlight. When the state of Texas got enveloped by a severe winter storm in 2021, renewable energy resources were blanketed out and thermal energy had to be considered. The same happened in Europe a year later, and thermal energy was hence in need.

Reducing dependence on thermal energy is feasible right now. It can be used as a backup source, or as a very good source of energy without being overly reliant on it. 

Then again, making everything electric in a home is a large task. It is a large undertaking that can potentially be overwhelming. Making a proper action plan can help ease the electrification plan and journey stepwise.

Steps to help electrifying homes the green way

Taking notice of the home’s present inventory

One of the easiest places to start is the home’s inventory. Taking an accurate stock of everything present in a home, especially appliances, electronics, and systems. Take note of their age and condition and see whether or not they are past their life expectancy.

Homeowners and residents alike must check the following things as a priority:

  • Heating and cooling systems.
  • Water heaters.
  • Furnaces.
  • Stoves.
  • Ovens.
  • Kitchen appliances and fixtures.
  • Washing machines.
  • Dryer.
  • Wall insulation.
  • Vehicles.

This is also a worthwhile time to review existing energy plans with each utility present (like power, gas, and water). If the power utility provider has renewable energy plans or community solar plans, they can be accepted with ease. 

When checking the home appliances, electronics, and fixtures, the ones that need to go need to go. The ones that can be replaced can be either repaired and sold or scrapped.

Having a look at the electrical panel

Project advisory professionals advise that homeowners and residents must first check the amount of electricity they are working with. Most panels indicate how much they provide (like 100 or 200 Amperes). Those who have a 200 Ampere panel are in luck. It can be used for any kind of electrification needed for the home.

A 100 A panel can work but not much. It can only work with selective appliances, electronics, and gadgets plus fixtures.

Residents must check how much space the electrical panel has for new circuits. Empty slots near breakers can accommodate additional breakers. It is always preferable to consult with an electrician in this matter.

Conducting a home energy audit

A home energy audit conducted by professionals/a professional company can help homeowners determine the best ways to do a home audit of energy and how much they can improve their home’s electrical footage and consumption.

The auditor will check the ducts and insulation, doors, windows, electrical wiring, heating systems, appliances, electronics, and other fixtures. They will find the areas and issues that require improvement and improve the home’s energy efficiency and safety.

Auditors also have options when it comes to electrification upgrades for homes. They also have the same amount of options for appliances and systems to replace, repair, or upgrade whichever is necessary.

The home energy audit can help prioritize the steps needed to make things better. For instance:

  • The attic needs new insulation.
  • Solar panels need a cleanup or replacement.
  • Determining what size of the heat pump can replace a coal/gas furnace.
  • Checking for safety issues in kitchen appliances and vice versa.

This is how homeowners and residents alike can start their home electrification with the help of a professional company.

Prioritizing what is important

Electrifying the home can start from any point. Here are some things to consider:

  • Reducing energy costs: The upgrades that save the most money on energy are electric vehicles and heat pump water heaters. However, electric vehicles have now become expensive and many are turning towards gas guzzlers.
  • Replacing and updating old appliances and electronics: What did the housing energy audit reveal? Sometimes, some old appliances are no longer effective in saving energy. This is why they need to be replaced.
  • Making the home comfortable: At times residents prefer staying indoors when outdoor temperatures are not exactly comfy. This is why they prioritize weatherization or using a heat pump plus an airconditioner to maintain comfortable temperatures indoors.
  • The changes to be made must be easy: Those who want to electrify their homes on a budget and quickly can go for an electric grill, power tools, and yard tools. They come with discounts.

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